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"TWIM™ software offers the possibility of integrating this data and building a dynamic virtual patient using patient specific motion"


"Among the latest digital tools, the facescan has made a name for itself !
In the case of global and aesthetic restorations, this new tool allows to adapt the prosthetic project to the patient's physiognomy.
How can the facescan be used in the 3D/4D workflow, and what possibilities does this new data offer? Follow us through this step-by-step.


The acquisition of static and dynamic data in the dental practice has created a need to transfer these same data in a fluid, secure way, without any loss of information.

Discover the latest 3Shape and MODJAW integration for 3D (digital impressions) and 4D (mandibular kinematics) data acquisition and to build a dynamic virtual patient in 2 key steps


In the case of prosthetic restorations requiring preparation, the digital workflow consists of an initial scan and a post-preparation scan.
Discover the 3D/4D protocol for building a complete dynamic virtual patient, ready to be sent to the laboratory.

"When I want to show my dental technician that my patient has a tilted occlusal plane, I generate my patient's occlusal curve in TWIM. Once the curve has been generated and corrected, I can transfer it to the laboratory as an STL file. This curve will guide the patient's occlusal equilibration, which my dental technician now performs digitally“
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